Version 1.1.1 Fixes: Folder activity issue with general section of card and list layout. Improved display_file function. Version 1.1.0 Feature * Added setting to set default course layout * Moodle 3.11 compatibility Fixes * Course format option issue with size attribute. * Fixed Grammatical errors * General section Heading tags color issue with list layout * Activity card icon issue with restricted activities * Compatibility with Adaptable theme * Folder activity was not working with cards Tweak * Refreshing page Enable/Disable/Hide/Show section in card layout * Improved course format image handling Version 1.0.9 Fixes * Fixed resource creation using drag and drop. * Fixed activity deletion issue with card layout. * Fixed video playback issue with card layout section description. * Fixed remui sidebar issue with Course format. Version 1.0.8 Fixes * Removed bootstrap classes from plugin CSS. * Students can check section content even if it is restricted. * Fixed General section image responsiveness and alignment. * Fixed section loading icon issue when section position is changed. * Fixed Show full summary toggle issue when general section summary is short. Feature * Added setting to hide the general section if it is empty. * Now section position can be changed in a card layout. * Easily move activity between section in card layout and one section per page in a list layout. Just click on the activity move icon. Tweak * Editing mode is similar for one section and all sections per page of the list layout. Version 1.0.7 Fixes * Fixed : Position issue with topic title in List layout in editing mode. * Fixed : Position issue with topic title and topic summary in list layout if show all section on one page option is selected in non-editing mode. Version 1.0.6 Fixes * Fixed : HTML support for section description in card layout. Version 1.0.5 Fixes * Fixed : Getting an “Invalid course module ID” error when viewing the main course page in card format. * Fixed : JS issues when javascript caching is off in Moodle. * Fixed : mdb->get_record() found more than one record! at single section page in card format. * Fixed : Add hover effect on section title only if section is available in Card format. Features * Add the Section Completion indicator in List format. * Added Extra code for User Usage Tracking and its Analytics Version 1.0.4 Fixes * Fixed issue when course layout resets on course restore. * Fixed multi-language support for section/topic summary in card format. * Fixed language support issue in activity count showed in the general section in card format. * General section image changes when changed in the other duplicated course in List format. Tweaks * Added fixed SVG pattern to topic card if image is not added in topic summary. * Hide label 'Activities' if no activity exists in general section of card format. Version 1.0.3 Fixes * Fixed Drag&Drop Upload Problem in List format. Features * Add a background image to the section in Card format. * Move activity to the specific section in Card format. * Course progress and the total number of different activity count details in the course added in Card format general section. * Showed limited activity depending on screen size in the general section in Card format. * Resume to the last viewed activity functionality in the Card format general section. * Add new section after specific section in list format. Version 1.0.2 Fixes * Switch list to card does not correctly update course layout field. Features * Save the sections collapsed/uncollapsed state in List format in local storage. * Show activity as a row or column in card format. * Add new section after specific section in card format. Version 1.0.1 * Initial version released. Version 0.0.9 * Beta version released.