{{- /* Link to JS Documentation created by `grunt jsdoc`. Usage: `jsdoc [args]` `args` are required: module: the name of the amd module to be linked class: the name of the class to be linked event: the name of an AMD event to link to within the module Examples: Link to an 'core/toast' module: {{< jsdoc module="core/toast" >}} Link to the 'events' class: {{< jsdoc class="events" >}} Link to the 'fieldValidationFailed' event in the 'core_form/events' module: {{< jsdoc module="core_form/events" event="fieldValidationFailed" >}} */ -}} {{- $filelink := "" -}} {{- $linktext := "" -}} {{- if .Get "module" -}} {{- $modulename := .Get "module" -}} {{- $linktext := $modulename -}} {{- with .Get "module" -}} {{- $filelink = printf "module-%s.html" (replace $modulename "/" "_") -}} {{- end -}} {{- if .Get "event" -}} {{- with .Get "event" -}} {{- $filelink = printf "%s#~event:%s" $filelink . -}} {{- $linktext = printf "event:%s" . -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{ $linktext }} {{- end -}} {{- with .Get "class" -}} {{- $filelink = printf "%s.html" (replace . "/" "_") -}} {{- $linktext = . -}} {{ $linktext }} {{- end -}} {{- /* Strip trailing newline. */ -}}